Let go of the idea that your evolution is supposed to look logical and linear. Let it be messy. Let it feel chaotic. Trust that it's all unfolding in a way that will ultimately grow you.

Authentic connection with your SELF is where it all begins.
Self-awareness â–º Self-acceptance â–º Self-love â–º Healing â–º Wholeness
We are, each of us, in a continuous state of personal evolution. You have an innate drive
to express yourself, to self-realize, in a way that is wholly unique to you.
Think of the process of metamorphosis. ​The caterpillar knows instinctively
what we humans have forgotten—we can trust the process.
Sometimes it's uncomfortable. We have to allow for the *messy middle* part of the
transformation. We have to be willing to be reduced to GOO before we can emerge as
an evolved version of ourselves.
Sometimes it's scary. But it's only scary when we don't understand it
as a necessary stage of development.
This is shadow work. It's an inner-directed experience. It's the opportunity to shed
the version of ourselves that we thought we were so that we can emerge as a more
authentic version of who we truly are.
This is your path to wholeness.

Feeling uncertain is part of the process
In other words, there is nothing wrong with where you're at...
If you are able to make space for the uncertainty and listen to your inner promptings, you open
yourself up to new possibilities. Sometimes when we tell ourselves we are confused or stuck,
we are actually avoiding consciously knowing what we know. It's natural to have this resistance!
What we KNOW might push us way beyond our comfort zones.
It's not always rational or logical. You may find yourself questioning goals and values that you
have never questioned before. You might recognize that ideas that you held as
absolute truth no longer make sense to you.
Wholeness is synonymous with
authentic self-expression.
Living from a place of authenticity requires overcoming the need for approval and external validation.
It means being true to yourself even when it disappoints others or draws their criticism.
It means trusting that you contribute most to the world when you
stop trying to live to others' expectations.
It takes a lot of courage to live authentically!
You are here to be all of who you are. You are here to accept all of who you are—
the light and the dark. You are here to learn to love yourself in all your messy humanness.