Kimberly Paige
Feb 10, 2020
An Uncomfortable Truth
How often do you hear yourself say "I don't have time" in regards to taking care of yourself? Is that really true? What would happen if...

Kimberly Paige
Jul 8, 2019
A Little Practical Magic
Yep, I want to share some practical magic with you. I have a technique I've been using for years to manifest some pretty big dreams. It's...

Kimberly Paige
Dec 17, 2018
Mental Fitness
Get your mind right and the rest will follow...understanding this has been a major game-changer for me. Working on behavioral changes...

Kimberly Paige
Mar 27, 2017
OMG! Did I Just Make THAT Happen?
My first experience with intention setting kind of rocked my world. It was maybe 2004 (?) and I was reading Martha Beck’s “Finding Your...

Kimberly Paige
Dec 27, 2016
Resolutions that STICK
Resolutions have a bad reputation. I don’t know what the statistically accurate rate of failure is for the New Year’s resolutions is...

Kimberly Paige
Dec 20, 2016
My 2017 Manifesto
I aspire… To be radiant—to be lit from within and allow my light to shine brightly; to wake up every morning feeling energized & excited...

Kimberly Paige
Aug 30, 2016
When Your Hair Gets in Your Way
Sometimes I have to learn things over and over again. It's a little bit ridiculous. Lately (I mean like the past year or so) I’ve gotten...